While on the phone, he mentioned that he was recommended by his DS for dog handling school! It is a huge honor and a great career move! I am so happy for him and so proud of him for doing well and showing his dedication...it has paid off and they see his potential! If he gets accepted, the only draw back is he would almost immediately go from AIT to the dog handling school in Texas for 90 days. Definitely changes our plans and timeline a little, but it isn't anything we can't figure out and work with. Both of us are sad that it means more time apart, but we know it is a necessary evil. He needs to take every opportunity he can to further his training, education and career. It could definitely change things a little for me, since our moving timeline would be bumped from end of March to beginning of July, but at the same time it would enable us to save even more money since I would stay working while he was at the school, and that would be good for our futures and allow us to have a safety net once we move and need to buy another car and all those other expenses. Greg said selfishly he wants me to just move down there for the 90 days...he is tired of us living apart. I want that too. I hate being away from him. It is doing-able and I am capable and get along just fine, but I definitely love being with my husband and best friend. I am not trying to be a martyr or act like a baby, but it gets to be a lot being by myself and holding everything together-I definitely miss having my partner by my side to share in the little, mundane, everyday, little things. But at the same time, it is only temporary and it is something we will have to come even more accustomed to, as he will be gone a lot over the next few years with deployments and training and such. We will just wait and see where the Lord leads us and what doors He opens! I know that He will take care of both of us and give us the strength to do what needs to be done.
One really neat thing is that in 2013 the Army is adding a new MOS to the military police category...31K/MP Working Dog Handler and right now they are looking to get 60% of the needed force trained and ready to go. Since Greg has been recommended as one of the 8 for his company he would be considered for the school and then ultimately a job as one of the 60% that are trained. The Lord is definitely good to bless us with such amazing things! This is an incredible honor and opportunity! We will find out in the next few weeks if Greg is selected. Despite the fact that we might be apart longer and it will change the timeline, we can thankfully take comfort in the fact that the Lord has a plan and purpose and whatever His will is will be played out in our lives. He is good to bless us with so much and so many great opportunities! We will trust in Him in this and wait for His timing! It is comforting to know that we are in His hands.
Special shout out to Briana A. for being such a great friend and being there for me when I needed someone the most tonight! I didn't even have to say anything and yet you immediately knew something was up and were there to dry my tears, make me laugh and help me feel strong again! You are amazing, dear friend and I feel blessed to know you and have you in my life! XOXO
Ain't that the truth! (The car window sticker Greg got me) |
Greg's first AIT Care Package! |
Always here for you boo! You have a bigger spot in my heart than you know! Just remember how strong, beautiful, and amazing you are! Love you!