Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 27: Readyman

January 27, 2011

My nephew Nickolas, is a Boyscout Webelo. In their book they are currently on Readyman Training...which is basically learning things like CPR, First Aid, how to use an AED, treat shock, etc.  My sister asked my dad to teach the courses, as that is right up his ally and he does it for a living. He asked those in our family that have the training and knowledge to help if they were able, and me to take pictures for the boys to remember it all.

They are going to teach the topics one night each week for a few weeks. Tonight was the first night and the topic was Adult CPR.

There were only four scouts, but they all did a great job and had a lot of fun! They all caught on and were doing a great job applying their newly acquired skills.

Boys being boys they were totally grossed out at having to bear the chest of the mannequin. But then they thought it was totally cool when they were doing the side roll to each other, to completely exaggerate and make noises as if they were "throwing up"...yeah, like I said...they are boys! LOL.

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