Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2: He Flies Through The Air...

January 2, 2011 (Two pics today...couldn't pick just one! :)

Today we went to the park with Ranger...he loved climbing all over the jungle gym and playing fetch. He was a little hesitant to go through the tunnel, but finally he maneuvered it like a champ!

Ok, so he was scared of the tunnel, but had no fear or hesitency when he randomly decided to JUMP OFF the platform for the spiral slide! Greg and I were quite surprised and a little worried because the platform was so high, but Ranger was just fine and would have probably done it again if we had let him! 

1 comment:

  1. lol
    What a great perspective from a dog! He probably had no idea that he was supposed to go DOWN the slide, so he negotiated by jumping off. Fun!
